Shoe size is an indication of the size of a pair of shoes for a person.
There are a number of shoe size systems that are used worldwide. While they all use numbers to indicate the length of the shoe, they differ exactly what they measure, what measurement unit they use, and where size 0 (or 1) is positioned. Some systems also show wide shoes, sometimes as well as numbers, but in many cases with one or more letters. Some areas use different shoe size systems for different types of shoes (eg men's, women's, children's, sports, and safety shoes). This article sets some complexity in the definition of shoe size. In practice, shoes should be tried for size and fitting before purchase.
Video Shoe size
Shrink shoe size
Foot opponent and last
The leg length is usually defined as (a) the distance between two parallel lines perpendicular to the leg and (b) tangent to the most prominent toes and the most prominent part of the heel. The length of the foot is measured with the subject standing barefoot and weight evenly between the legs.
The size of the left and right feet are often slightly different. In this case, both legs are measured, and mass-produced shoe buyers are advised to buy footwear sizes based on larger feet, as most retailers do not sell a pair of shoes in an unsuitable size.
Each shoe size is considered suitable for small foot length intervals, usually limited by half points of the shoe size system.
The shoe size system can refer to three characteristic lengths:
- The length of the foot median that matches the shoe. For customers, this size has the advantage of being directly related to the size of the body. This applies equally to all shapes, shapes, or materials. However, this size is less popular for manufacturers, as this requires them to test carefully for each new shoe model, with the recommended foot size range. This puts on the load manufacturer ensuring that the shoe will match the length of the given leg.
- The length of the inner cavity of the shoe. This measure has the advantage that it can be measured easily on the finished product. However, it will vary with manufacturing tolerances and only give customers very rough information about the range of foot sizes for suitable shoes.
- The length of "last" , the foot-shaped template in which the shoe is made. This measure is the easiest for the manufacturer to use, as it only identifies the tools used to produce the shoe. There are no guarantees about making tolerances or what shoe size really fits. This leaves all the responsibility and risk of choosing the correct size with the customer. Further, the latter can be measured in several different ways that result in different measurements.
All these sizes differ substantially from each other for the same shoe. For example, the inner cavity of the shoe usually has to be 15 mm longer than the foot, and the last shoe is 2 sizes larger than the foot, but this varies between different shoe types and the shoe size system used. The typical range lies between 1 / 2 to 2 / 3 inches (12.7 to 16.9 mm) for the UK/US size system and 4 / 3 to / 3 cm (13.3 to 16.7 mm) for a European size system, but can be extended to 1 / 4 to 3 / 4 inch (6.4 to 19.1 mm) and / 3 to 6 / 3 Ã, cm (6.7 to 20.0 mm).
The sizing system also differs in what measurement units they use. This also results in a different increase between the size of the shoe, as it is usually only a "full" or "half" size made.
The following long units are commonly used today to determine the shoe size system:
- The Paris point equals 2 / 3 centimeters (6.67 mm; 0.26 inches). Overall size increased by 1 point Paris; this corresponds to 3.33 millimeters (0.131 in) between half the size. This unit is usually used in Continental Europe.
- Barleycorn is an old English unit equivalent to 1 / 3 inch (8.47 mm). This is the basis for current UK and US shoe sizes, with the largest shoe size taken as twelve inches (size 12) of 30.5 cm, and then counting down in a barleycorn unit, so size 11 is 11.67 inches or 29, 6 cm./li>
- Metric measurements in centimeters (cm) or millimeters (mm) with intervals of 5 mm and 7.5 mm are used in international Mondopoint systems (USSR/Russia and Asia).
Zero point
The sizing system also places a size of 0 (or 1) in different locations:
- Size 0 as leg length 0. Shoe size is directly proportional to foot length in the selected measurement unit. The shoe size of children, men, and women, as well as the size of different types of shoes, can be compared directly. It is used with Mondopoint and the Asian system.
- Size 0 as the length of the cavity in the shoe 0. The size of the shoe is then proportional to the length of the inside of the shoe. It is used with a system that also takes the size of the shoe. While the size of children's shoes, men and women can be compared directly, this is not always true for different types of shoes that require different amounts of "shake space" in the footbox. It is used with Continental European system.
- Size 0 (or 1) can only be shoes with a certain length. Usually this will be the shortest duration that is considered practical; but this can be different for children's shoes, teenagers, men, and women - so it's impossible to compare the size. For example, women's shoes of size 8 are of a different length than men's shoes of size 8 in the US system, but not England.
Some systems also include leg width (or last shoe thickness), but do so in various ways:
- Measurable leg width in millimeters (mm) - this is done with the Mondopoint system.
- Measurable width as a letter (or combination of letters), taken from the table (indexed to length and width/thickness) or only set by ad-hoc. Examples are (each starting with the smallest width):
- A, B, C, D, E, EE, EEE, EEEE, F, G (typical North American system, with unbound norms D for men and B for women, also foot circumference in Mondopoint Japan system).
- 4A, 3A, 2A, A, B, C, D, E, 2E, 3E, 4E, 5E, 6E (North American variants)
- C, D, E, F, G, H (general UK, "medium" are usually F, but vary by manufacturer manufacturer Edward Green and Crockett & Jones, among others, using E instead, but one maker E not necessarily the same size as the others).
- N ( narrow ), M ( being ) or R ( normal ), W ( width ).
The widths that fit this size can vary significantly between manufacturers. The AE width indicator used by most American, Canadian and British footwear manufacturers is usually based on the width of the foot, and the general step size is 3 / 16 inch (4.8 mm).
Maps Shoe size
Common size system
United Kingdom
The shoe size in the UK, Ireland, India, and South Africa is based on the last length used to make shoes, measured in barleycorn ( / 3 inches) starting from the smallest size that is considered practical, called zero size. It's not officially standard. Note that the latter is usually longer than the heel of the foot to the length of the foot around 1 / 2 to 2 / 3 inch (13 to 17 mm).
The child's zero size is equivalent to 4 inches (one hand = 12 barleycorn = 10.16 cm), and the size goes up to the size of 13 1 / 2 (measure 25 1 / 2 barleycorn, or 8 1 / 2 inch (21.59Ã, cm)). So, the calculations for children's shoe size in the UK are:
setara denounce
Ukuran dewasa adalah ukuran berikutnya (26 barleycorns, atau 8 2 / 3 di (22.01 cm) setiap ukuran naik terus dalam barleycorns. Perhitungan untuk ukuran sepatu dewasa di Inggris adalah sebagai berikut:
setara denounce
In Australia and New Zealand, the British system is followed by boys and children's footwear. Women's footwear has slightly different sizes that are unique and between English and US sizes.
Di Mexico, sepatu ukuran baik sesuai dengan panjang kaki yang dimaksudkan untuk pas, dalam cm, atau alternatif untuk variasi lain dari sistem barleycorn, dengan ukuran yang dihitung kira-kira sebagai:
Amerika Serikat
In the United States and Canada, there are different systems that are used simultaneously. The size indication is usually similar but not exactly equivalent especially with athletic shoes at extreme sizes. The most common is custom, described in more detail below, which for men's shoes is one size shorter than the equivalent in the UK, making 13 men in the US or Canada the same size as 12 men in the UK.
Traditional systems are similar to English sizes but start counting on one rather than zero, so the equivalent size is one bigger.
Perhitungan untuk ukuran sepatu pria di AS atau Kanada adalah:
Dalam range "standart" atau "FIA" (Alas Kaki Industri America), ukuran wanita adalah ukuran pria ditambah 1 (jadi 10.5 pria wanita adalah 11.5).
There is also a "common" scale, in which women's size is equal to the size of a man plus 1.5.
Ukuran anak-anak same dengan ukuran pria ditambah 12 1 / 3 . Ukuran anak-anak tidak berbeda berdasarkan gender meskipun orang dewasa melakukannya.
Children's shoe stores in the United States and Canada use a size scheme that ends at 13, after which the adult range starts at 1. Alternative, the scale goes from K4 to K13 and then 1 to 7 is in use. K4 to K9 is the size of a toddler, K10 to 3 is pre-school and 1 to 7 is the primary school size.
Brannock Device
The slightly different sized method is based on the Brannock Device, a gauge discovered by Charles F. Brannock in 1925 and now found in many shoe stores. The formula used by Brannock devices assumes the length of 2 / 3 in (1.7 cm) is less than the last length; thus, the size of 1 man is equivalent to the length of the foot 7 2 / 3 at (19.47 cm). The size of a woman is one size.
The tool also measures the length of the arch, or the distance between the heel and the ball (the head of the metatarsal) of the foot. For this measurement, the device has a shorter scale on the foot's back with an indicator sliding into position. If this scale indicates a larger size, then it is taken at the foot length to ensure proper installation.
For the size of the children, additional space is added to allow for growth.
This device also measures the width of the legs and assigns them AAA, AA, A, B, C, D, E, EE, or EEE designations. The width of 3/16 is separate and different from the length of the shoe.
Some shoe stores and medical professionals use optical 3D surface scanners to precisely measure the length and width of both legs and recommend the right shoe model and size.
Dalam sistem Eropa Kontinental, ukuran sepatu adalah panjang yang terakhir, dinyatakan dalam poin Paris, untuk kedua jenis kelamin dan untuk orang dewasa dan anak-anak. Karena titik Paris adalah 2 / 3 sentimeter, rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut:
Yang terakhir biasanya 2-2,5 poin Paris atau 4 / 3 ke 5 / 3 Â cm (13,3 hingga 16,7 mm) lebih panjang dari kaki, jadi untuk menentukan ukuran berdasarkan panjang kaki aktual dari tumit ke jari kaki, seseorang harus menambahkan 2 poin:
The European system is used in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and most other continental European countries. It is also used in Middle Eastern countries (like Iran), Brazil - which uses the same method but reduces 2 of the final results, which basically measures foot size rather than the last size - and, typically, Hong Kong. This system is sometimes described as a measure of Stich (from Pariser Stich, Germany to Paris point), or Stichmass size (from StichmaÃÆ'Ÿ , micrometer tool for internal measurements).
The Mondopoint shoe length system was introduced in 1970 by International Standards ISO 2816: 1973 "The fundamental characteristics of a shoe sizing system known as Mondopoint" and ISO 3355: 1975 "Shoe size - System length rating (for use in the Mondopoint system) ". ISO 9407: 1991, "Shoe size - Size and marking system" Mondopoint, is the current standard version.
The Mondopoint system is based on leg length and average foot width for suitable shoes, measured in millimeters. The length of the sole of the foot is measured as the horizontal distance between perpendicular to the most prominent toe and the most prominent part of the heel. The width of the foot is measured as the horizontal distance between the vertical lines in contact with the first and fifth metatarsophalangeal joints. The foot perimeter is the length of the circumference of the leg, measured with flexible bands at the same point as the width of the foot. The origin of the value is zero.
The standard foot length is determined by a 5 mm interval step for casual footwear and a 7.5 mm step for special footwear (protective).
Labeling usually should include leg length, followed by an optional foot width - 280/110 shoe size indicates a foot length of 280 millimeters (11.0 inches) and a width of 110 millimeters (4.3 inches). Other custom signs, such as the size of the EU, UK and US, can also be used.
Since Mondopoint takes into account the width of the foot, this allows for better installation than most other systems. Shoe size should match each foot with the indicated average measurements, and different sizes no more than half the step of the corresponding interval grid.
The Mondopoint system is widely used in the sports industry for the size of athletic shoes, ski/skates, and Pointe ballet shoes; it is also adopted as the main shoe sizing system in USSR/Russia, GDR, China, Japan/Taiwan/South Korea, and as an optional system in UK, India, Mexico and European countries. The Mondopoint system is also used by NATO and other military services.
This standard is guarded by the ISO 137 Techincal Committee "Determination of footwear footwear and tagging systems"; by 2018, new revisions are under development.
In Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, the Mondopoint system is used as defined by national standards JIS S 5037: 1998 and its counterparts CNS 4800-S1093: 2000 and KS M 6681: 2007.
The length and circumference of the foot (foot circumference) is taken into account. The leg length is shown in centimeters; 5 mm difference used.
The length is followed by the designer for the thickness (A, B, C, D, E, EE, EEE, EEEE, F, G), specified in the table indexed as the circumference of the foot in millimeters for each given leg length; leg width is also included as additional information. There are different tables for men's, women's and children's shoes (less than 12 years old). Not all designers are used for all genders and in all countries. For example, the largest circle for women in Taiwan is EEEE, while in Japan, it is F.
The length and width of the foot can also be indicated in millimeters, burned by a slash or hyphen.
USSR (Russia/CIS)
Historically, the USSR used the European system (Paris point), but the Mondopoint metric system was introduced in the 1980s by GOST 24382-80 "Sports Shoe Size" and GOST 11373-88 "Shoe Size". Leg length is aligned with intervals of 5 mm and 7.5 mm.
Standard metric foot sizes can be converted to the nearest Paris point ( 2 / 3 Ã, cm) size using approximate conversion tables; shoes can be marked with both leg lengths in mm, as for the size of Ballet shoes, and/or the last length in European Paris point size (though the size of the converted 'Stichmass' as it is usually sized ½ to 1 smaller than European-made adult shoes comparable, and up to 1Ã,½ smaller size for children's footwear, according to the ISO 19407 shoe size definition). Determination of optional foot distribution includes a narrow, normal (regular or regular) value, and width.
Baby sizes ranging from 16 (95 mm) and pre-school children at 23 (140 mm); the size of schoolchildren span 32 (202.5 â €
ISO 19407
ISO/TS 19407: 2015 Footwear - Size - Conversion measurement system is a technical specification of the International Standards Organization. Standard includes conversion tables for Mondopoint (USSR/Russia/China/Japan/Korean system) using 5 mm and 7.5 mm long steps, Paris European point system, and UK 1/3 inch system. The definition of shoe size is based on actual foot length (insole) in millimeters; the last typical long range is also included. The standard has been adopted as GOST R 57425-2017 Russia.
Standards are maintained by ISO/TC 137, which also develops ISO/TS 19408: 2015 Footwear - Size - Vocabulary and terminology ; currently in development are the ISO/TS 19409 companion standard "Footwear - Size - Last dimension measurement" and ISO/TS 19410 "Footwear - Size - Inshoe Measurement".
Shoe size
D d k k k k k k k p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p.
di mana adalah panjang kaki dalam mm.
The exact leg length can contain repeating decimals because the formula includes division by 3; in practice, the approximate 6.67 mm and 8.47 mm interval steps are used, then the resulting length is rounded up to 0.1 mm, and the shoe size is rounded to 0.5 points size or the nearest matching size of Mondopoint.
Children's size is an estimate converted from leg length by adding an 8% allowance on the toes and matching the result to the last most practical size available.
Size conversion
This standard also includes fast conversion tables for adult shoe sizes; they provide suitable sizes for marked shoes in Mondopoint, UK and US systems. The converted value is rounded to a larger shoe size for increased comfort.
Shoe size in the primary size system used in production should be placed first on the label, preferably in bold, and the approximate conversion of shoe size to other systems should also be included.
Difficulty in shoe size comparison
The difference between different shoe size tables, maker tables or other tables found on the Web is usually caused by the following factors:
- The system is not completely standardized. The difference between the shoes of different makers, which due to different shoe measurement methods, different manufacturing processes, or different benefits sometimes associated with different countries. The size of "Germany" may differ from the size of "France", although both countries use the Continental European system.
- Different widths may have the result that for leg width, the size of some bigger (and actually too long) shoes may be needed. It can also produce different size indications, especially if different distinct widths are associated with different sized systems or states.
- Some tables for children take into account future growth. The size of the shoe is bigger than what fits the actual leg length.
- Indication in centimeters or inches can mean the length of the foot or the length of the inner cavity of the shoe. This relationship is not constant but varies due to the amount of different wobble space required for different shoe sizes.
- There are several US systems, which differ substantially for sizes far above or below medium size.
Furthermore, some tables available on the Web only contain errors. For example, different rocking spaces or zeroes are not taken into account, or tables based on different (traditional and athletic) US systems are merged in simple, though incompatible ways.
Please note that the following table shows the theoretical sizes calculated from the standard and the information given above.
See also
- List of shoe styles
- Shoes
External links
- IS 8751-1 (1978): Size of footwear in a mondopoint system, Part 1: Fundamental characteristics
- IS 8751-2 (1978): Size of footwear in a mondopoint system, Part 2: Grading length
- US width shoe chart by size
Source of the article : Wikipedia