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Sled dog - Wikipedia
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Sled dogs are important for transport in the polar regions, transporting supplies in areas not accessible by other methods. They are used with numerous successes in the exploration of both poles, as well as during the Alaskan gold rush. The sled dog team delivered letters to rural communities in Alaska and northern Canada. Sled dogs are still used by some rural communities, especially in Alaska and Canada and throughout Greenland. They are used for recreational purposes and racing events, such as the Iditarod Track and Quest Yukon.

Video Sled dog


Sled dogs have been used in Canada, Lapland, Greenland, Siberia, Chukotka, Norway, Finland, and Alaska.



By 2017, a study shows that 9,000 years ago domestic dogs were present in what is now Zhokhov Island, Siberian north-eastern Siberia, but the area is connected to the land. The dogs were selectively raised either as sled dogs or as hunting dogs, which implies that dog sled standards and standard dog hunters existed at the time. The optimal maximum size for a dog sled is 20-25 kg based on rules, and the old sled dog is between 16-25 kg. The same standard has been found in the remains of sled dogs from this region 2,000 years ago and in the standard of modern Siberian husky breeds. Another dog is larger at 30 kg and it seems that dogs have been crossed with wolves and used to hunt polar bears. At death, the heads of dogs have been carefully separated from their bodies by humans and are considered for ceremonial reasons.


The Danish military acts as a cop in Greenland and does a dog sled patrol during the winter, which also records all the visible wildlife. The number of patrols averaged 14,876 km/year during 1978-1998. In 2011, the Arctic wolf has replenished the eastern region of Greenland from their reserves in the northeast through following this dog sled patrol for over 560 kilometers.

North America

The historical reference of dogs and the use of dogs used by Native American cultures dates back to before European contacts. The use of dogs as a design animal is widespread in North America. There are two main sled types; one species is kept by coastal culture, and the other is kept by interior culture like the Athabascan Indians. These interior dogs form the basis of Alaskan Husky. Russian merchants following the inland Yukon River in the mid 1800s to get dog sled from the inland villages along the river. The dogs in this area are considered stronger and better at carrying heavy loads than the original Russian sled dog.

Alaskan Gold Rush brings a renewed interest in the use of dog sled for transportation. Most gold camps are only accessible by dogs in the winter. "Everything that moves during the frost season is removed by the team of dogs: miners, trappers, doctors, letters, trades, trades, shipping supplies... if it is necessary to move in winter, it is moved by dog ​​sled." This, along with the use of dogs in polar exploration, led to the late 1800s and early 1900s dubbed the "Dog Sled Era".

Sled dogs were used to send letters in Alaska during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Malamute is the preferred type, with an average team of eight to ten dogs. Dogs are able to send letters in conditions that will stop boats, trains, and horses. Each team carries between 230 and 320 kilograms (500 and 700 pounds) of letters. The letter was kept in a waterproof bag to protect it from the snow. In 1901, the dog trail had been established along the entire Yukon River. Sending letters with dog sled ended in 1963 when the last letter bearer used a dog sled, Chester Noongwook from Savoonga, retired. He was honored by the US Postal Service in a ceremony on St. Island. Lawrence in the Bering Sea.

The aircraft took over Alaska mail delivery in the 1920s and 1930s. In 1924, Carl Ben Eielson flew the first Alaska airmail delivery. Dogsleds were used to patrol in western Alaska during World War II. Highways and trucks in their 40s and 50s, and snowmobiles in the 50s and 60s, contributed to the decline of working sled dogs.

Recreational memories appear to maintain the tradition of dog mushing. The desire for bigger, stronger dogs, pulling loads turns into one for a faster dog with a high endurance used in racing, which causes the dog to become lighter than they have historically. The Americans then began importing Siberian Huskies to increase the speed of their own dogs, presenting "a direct contrast to the idea that Russian merchants are looking for heavier dragon type sled dogs from the inland areas of Alaska and Yukon less than a century earlier to increase the capacity of transporting dogs lighter sled. "

Outside Alaska, the dog-drawn carts are used to transport merchant goods in cities like New York.

Nome, Alaska and Iditarod

In 1925, there was a diphtheria outbreak in Nome, Alaska. There is not enough serum in Nome to treat the number of people infected with the disease. There is a serum in Nenana, but the city is 1,100 kilometers (700 miles), and is not accessible except by dog ​​sled. Dog sleighs were founded by villages between Nenana and Nome, and 20 teams worked together to deliver serum to Nome. The serum reaches Nome in six days.

The Iditarod Trail is established on the road between these two cities. It was known as the Iditarod Trace because, at that time, Iditarod was the largest city on the road. During the 1940s, the trail became unused. However, in 1967, Dorothy Page, who was celebrating one hundred years of Alaska, ordered 14 kilometers (9 miles) off the track to be cleared for a dog sled race. In 1972, the US Army conducted a trail survey, and in 1973 Iditarod was founded by Joe Redington, Sr. The race was won by Dick Wilmarth, who took three weeks to finish the race.

The modern Iditarod is a 1,800 kilometer long race racing dog race (1,100Ã, mi). Usually lasts for ten to eleven days, if weather permits. It begins with an early ceremony in Anchorage, Alaska on the first Saturday morning in March, with mushrooms flowing 32 kilometers (20 miles) to Eagle River along the Alaska Highway, allowing viewers to see dogs and fungi. The team then loaded onto the truck and driven 48 kilometers (30 miles) to Wasilla to start the official race in the afternoon. The race ends when the last musher gets out of the race or cross the finish line at Nome. The winner of the race received a prize of US $ 50,000. It has been billed as "The World Series of Mushing Events" and "The Last Great Race on Earth".


The first Arctic explorer was a man with a dog sled. Due to the success of using a dog sled in the Arctic, it is thought they will assist in the exploration of Antarctica as well, and many explorers are making efforts to use it. Sled dogs were used until 1992, when they were banned from Antarctica by the Environmental Protection Protocol against the Antarctic Treaty.

Carsten Borchgrevink used the dog skating in Antarctica in 1898, but was much colder than expected in Cape Adare. The dogs were accustomed to working on the snow, not on ice, in much lighter temperatures. The dogs were also not adequately fed, and eventually all dogs died.

Erich von Drygalski used a dog sled on a 1901-1903 expedition, and fared much better because his dogs were accustomed to cold air and he hired an experienced dog handler. The dogs were allowed to breed freely and many had to be shot because there was no space on board to take them home. Many were not shot left in the Kerguelen Islands.

Otto Nordenskjold intends to use a sleigh dog on a 1901-1904 expedition, but all but four of his dogs were killed on the way to the south. He took more dogs in the Falklands, but these were all killed on arrival by husky Ole Jonassen, as Ole did not bother to tether his dog. These huskies were then able to pull 265 kilograms (584 pounds) over 29 kilometers (18 miles) in three and a half hours.

Robert Falcon Scott brought twenty Samoyed with him. The dogs fought under the conditions Scott put them in, with four dogs pulling heavy trains loaded through 45-centimeter snow (18 in) with bloody feet. Scott blamed their failure on a rotten dry fish.

Douglas Mawson and Xavier Mertz are part of the Far Eastern Party, a team of three people working with Lieutenant B.E.S. Ninnis, to survey King George V Land, Antarctica. On December 14, 1912 Ninnis fell through a snow-covered crevasse along with most of the party rations, and was never seen again. Their little supplies forced them to eat their remaining dogs on their 315 mile (507 km) return journey. Their flesh is hard, fibrous and with no fat left. Each animal produces very little, and its main part is fed to a surviving dog, which eats meat, skin and bones until nothing remains. The men also eat the brains and livers of dogs. Unfortunately eating a sled dog's liver produces a hypervitaminosis A condition because the canine has a much higher tolerance for vitamin A than humans. Mertz suffers from rapid deterioration. He suffered from abdominal pain and became incapable and incoherent. On January 7, 1913, Mertz died. Mawson went on his own, eventually making it back to camp alive.

The Roald Amundsen expedition planned about ninety-seven dog sled. In the first experiment, the two dogs died of cold at -56 ° C (-69 ° F). He tries for the second time and succeeds. Amundsen traveled 27 kilometers (17 miles) per day, stopping every 4.8 kilometers (3 miles) to build a liquid pyramid to mark the trail. He has five five dogs with him, which he kills until he has 14 left when he returns from the pole. On the way home, a man slid in front of the dogs and hid the flesh in the monuments to encourage them to run.

Maps Sled dog

Skating dog cultivation

Original sled dogs are chosen for size, strength and stamina, but modern dogs are bred for speed and durability Most dog sleds weigh about 25 kilograms (55 pounds), but they can weigh at least 16 kilograms (35 pounds), and can exceed 32 kilograms (71 pounds). The sled dog has a very efficient walking style, and "stuck to a balanced dog team that matches all dogs for good (more or less the same) size and gait (walking speed, running or running dogs as well as transition speeds" where the dog will switch from one gait to another 'so the whole dog team moves in the same way that improves overall team efficiency. "They can run up to 45 km/h (28 mph).Thus, the sled dog has very hard legs, webbed with very close toes, their webbed feet acting as snowshoes.

Dog hair depends on its use. The dog must have a thick, warm coat to withstand the heat, and the dog running has a short coat that lets the heat out. Most of the sled dogs have double coats, with the outer layer keeping the snow away from the body, and the inner layers are waterproof for insulation. In warm weather, dogs may have problems regulating their body temperature and possibly overheating. Their tail serves to protect their noses and feet from freezing when the dog is curled up to sleep. They also have unique arrangements of blood vessels in their legs to help protect against frostbite.

Lust is a big part of choosing a dog sledge; Voter dogs from the trail may be more voter on the street. They are fed high fatty foods, and on foots may eat oily salmon or hairy sea mammals. Sled dogs also can not be too aggressive with other dogs.


Alaskan Husky

Dogs most commonly used in dog sleds, Alaskan Husky is a hump dog raised specifically for his appearance as a sleigh dog. They first appeared in the late 1800s. Sometimes, the Alaska Huskies is referred to as the Indian Dog , since the best guess is derived from Native American villages in Alaska and the interior of Canada. It weighs between 18 and 34 kilograms (40 and 75 pounds) and may have dense or slick fur. Alaska Huskies have little resemblance to their typical husky races originating from, or each other.

There are two genetically different varieties of Alaska Husky: a group of sprints and long-distance groups. Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies contributed most genetically to the long-distance group, while Pointer and Salukis contributed the most to the running group. Anatolian Shepherd Dogs donate a strong work ethic to both varieties. There are many Alaskan Huskies that are partly Greyhound, which increases their speed. Although some Alaskan Huskies are known to be part wolves, which increases their endurance, these wolves are generally disliked because they have a reputation that is difficult to control.

Alaska Malamute

Malamute is a big and strong dog. It weighs between 36 and 54 kilograms (80 and 120 pounds) and has a round face with soft features. Dog carrier is a dog class that includes pedigree and non-genealogies. Malamute is considered one of the first pet dog breeds, originating from the Alaska Kotzebue Sound region. These dogs are known for their broad breasts, thick coats, and hard legs. Speed ​​has little value for these dogs - on the contrary, the emphasis is on pulling power. They are used in long expeditions and travel, and to transport heavy loads. Malamutes are the dog of choice to transport and work envoys in World War II.

Canadian Eskimo Dog

Also known as Exquimaux Husky , Esquimaux Dog , and Qimmiq , Canadian Eskimo Dogs come from the original sled dogs used by Thule people from Canadian Arctic. Breeds such as those currently available are mainly developed through the work of the Canadian government. It can attract between 45 and 80 kilograms (99 and 176 pounds) per dog for a distance of between 24 and 113 kilometers (15 and 70 mi). Canadian Eskimo dogs are also used as hunting dogs, helping Inuit hunters catch seals, muskets, and polar bears.


The Chinook is a draft and skate dog developed in New Hampshire in the early 1900s, and is a mix of Mastiff, Greenland Husky, German Shepherd, and Belgian Shepherd. This is a New Hampshire state dog and is recognized by AKC as a Working breed in 2013. They are described as athletic and "stout" with "tired walk".

Greenland Dog

Eskimo dogs from Greenland, Greenland Dogs are heavy dogs with high endurance but little speed. They are often used by people who offer dog sled adventure and long expeditions. There are over 30,000 Greenland Dogs living in Greenland. In winter, they are the main mode of transportation. Most hunters in Greenland support dog sled teams on snowmobiles as dog sled teams are more reliable.


The Samoyed was developed by Samoyede people from Siberia, who used them to shepherd deer and hunt in addition to hauling sleds. These dogs are very valuable, and the people who own them depend heavily on them to survive, that dogs are allowed to sleep in tents with their owners.

Siberian Husky

Smaller than the same Malamute appeared, Siberian Husky drew more, pound for pound, than at night, but could not pull over. They weigh between 18 and 27 kilograms (40 and  £ 60), and have been selectively raised for looks and appealing capabilities.

Other Breeds

Many non-sled race dogs have been used as sled dogs. Pudel, Irish regulator, German shorthaired pointer, Retard Labrador, Newfoundlands, and St. Bernards have all been used to attracting skating in the past.

Remarkably Astonishing Facts About Sled Dogs
src: media.buzzle.com

IFSS World Championship

FSS held its first World Championships (WCh) in Saint Moritz, Switzerland in 1990 with classes only in Sprint Sled (10-Dogs, 8-Dogs, and 6-Dogs) and Skidog Pulka for men and women. 113 competitors arrived at the initial launch to mark important moments. The first World Championships are held every year, but after the events of 1995, it was decided to hold them every two years, which facilitated the bidding process and allowed the host organization more time to prepare.

About Sprint Racing Sled Dogs and the Eurohound
src: www.endurancekennels.com

Famous Sled Dog


Togo is the foremost sleigh dog from Leonhard Seppala and his dog skating team in a 1925 serie run to Nome in central and northern Alaska.


Balto was a puppy dog ​​train team leader who carried a diphtheria serum on the last leg of the relay to Nome during the diphtheria epidemic of 1925. He was encouraged by musher Gunnar Kaasen, who worked for Leonhard Seppala. Seppala also raised Balto.

In 1925, ten months after Balto completed his journey, a bronze statue was erected in his honor at Central Park near the Tisch Children's Zoo. The statue was carved by Frederick George Richard Roth. Children often climb statues to pretend to ride dogs. The plaque at the base of the statue reads "Endurance Ã, Â · Fidelity Ã, Â · Intelligence". Balto's body was filled after his death in 1933, and is on display at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

In 1995, a Universal Pictures movie based on his life, Balto , was released. Roger Ebert gave it three out of four stars.

Other dogs

Anna is a small skate dog running on the Flower's team during her expedition to become the first woman to cross the Arctic alone. He is best known as the smallest dog running on the team, and a picture book made about his journey in the Arctic.

There are lots of skate dog stories that keep walking, either alone or with the help of other dogs in the team.

Rosebud Run Sleddog Society â€
src: rosebudrun.ca

Dog sledding in popular culture


Sled dogs have been written many writers.

    My Dogs In The North (1902) by Egerton Ryerson Young focused on Egerton's adventure with a team of twelve sleigh dogs.
  • Wild Calls (1903) by Jack London is a famous fictional masterpiece of skate dogs and their lives in the golden age of fever, using Young's book as a source.


Eight Below (2006)

Dog Sledding Tours in Wyoming | Travel Wyoming. That's WY
src: www.travelwyoming.com

See also

  • List of dog sled race
  • Dog sled at the 1932 Winter Olympics
  • Drafting dog

The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race | I hope to be remembered for my ...
src: miepvonsydow.files.wordpress.com


Cheerleader Effect: Why People Are More Beautiful in Groups - The ...
src: njsdc.com

External links

Source of the article : Wikipedia
