Senin, 18 Juni 2018

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Chilblains on Fingers, Toes, and Feet: Causes, Pictures, Treatment

Chilblains - also known as pernio , cold burn and perniosis - are medical conditions that occur when susceptible individuals exposed to cold and humid, causing tissue damage. Often confused with frostbite and foot trenches. Damage to the capillaries in the skin causes redness, itching, inflammation, and sometimes blistering. Chilblain can be reduced by keeping the feet and hands warm in cold weather, and avoiding extreme temperature changes. Chilblain can be idiopathic (spontaneous and unrelated to other diseases), but may also be a manifestation of other serious medical conditions that must be investigated. The history of chilblains shows connective tissue disease (such as lupus). In infants, chilblains together with severe neurological disease and unexplained fever occur in the Aicardi-GoutiÃÆ'¨res syndrome, a rare heritage condition.

Video Chilblains

Signs and symptoms

The most affected areas are the toes, fingers, ears, nose.

  • Blistering from the affected area
  • Burns and itching in the extremities
  • Dermatitis in the extremities
  • Digital ulcers (only severe cases)
  • Erythema (pale redness of skin)
  • Pain in the affected area
  • Skin discoloration, red to dark blue

Chilblain usually heals in 7-14 days.

Maps Chilblains



  • Avoid rapid temperature changes (including from cold to hot).
  • Wear warm shoes, socks, and gloves.
  • Wear a hat and scarf to protect the ears and nose.
  • Avoid tight socks/shoes.


  • Healthy diet, low inflammatory food
  • Exercise at least four times a week to improve circulation

Chilblains on Fingers, Toes, and Feet: Causes, Pictures, Treatment


  • A vitamin B program, especially nicotinic acid, helps improve circulation and can completely treat chilblain.
  • Soaking in warm water with Epsom salts for 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times a day.
  • Keep warm to the affected area, and avoid extreme temperature changes (including very hot water).
  • Keep to dry the affected area.
  • Use topical steroid cream to reduce itching.
  • Nifedipine, a vasodilator, may help in more severe or recurrent cases. Vasodilation helps reduce pain, facilitates healing and prevents recurrence. Usually available in oral pills but can be aggravated into topical formulas.
  • Diltiazem, a vasodilator, may also help.
  • Apply a mixture of friar balsam and weak iodine solution.
  • Avoid restricting the affected area.

How to Heal and Prevent Chilblains | Cure Chilblains By this ...


The Middle Ages Bald's Leechbook recommends to treat chilblains with a mixture of eggs, grapes and fennel roots.

The American Hispanic general tradition recommends warm garlic on chilblain.

Chilblains Pernio & Chilblain Lupus Erythematosus - Causes & Treatment

See also

  • Perniosis riding
  • Erythrocyanosis crurum

Chilblains - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Of Chilblains - YouTube


Chilblains Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, and Home Remedies

External links

  • DermAtlas 1683395337
  • Stres dingin, Institut Nasional untuk Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
  •  "Chilblains". EncyclopÃÆ'¦dia Britannica . 6 (edisi 11). 1911. p. 134. Â

Source of the article : Wikipedia
